
After spending the past year working on Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book’s Alphabet Soup Challenge (for which I’m nearing completion–you can follow my progress here), I had a brainwave and thought I’d like to do something similar next year, but this time for authors instead of book titles. And so, with great pleasure and excitement, I’d like to announce that I will be hosting the 2015 Authors A to Z Reading Challenge!

Here are the details/rules:

– The challenge runs from 1 January to 31 December 2015
– Read a book written by authors with last names from A to Z, and try to collect every letter of the alphabet
– Only last names count, so William Shakespeare would fall under S, not W
– Speaking of Shakespeare, the books you read may fall under any form/genre: prose, poetry, drama; fiction, non-fiction, academic monographs…
– Your books don’t have to be “physical” either–ebooks and audiobooks are more than welcome!
– Crossovers with other challenges and re-reads are also more than welcome!
– You do not need to have a blog or review the books in order to participate–having a list somewhere (such as GoodReads) is fine
– Sign-ups are open till 30 November 2015
Come December 2015, I’ll be making a post for you to submit your completed challenges. Here’s the post! If you manage to finish by 31 Dec 2015, then you’ll be in the running for a booktastic prize draw!

How to join:

– If you’re a blogger, grab the challenge banner and link back to this post to help spread the word and encourage others to join! Fill out the form below, and include a link to your challenge sign-up post (not to your overall blog).
– If you’re a non-blogger, keep track of your authors list any way you wish (I know quite a few people start up a challenge bookshelf on Goodreads), and use the form below to fill out your details (and perhaps a link to your challenge bookshelf, if you’re setting one up).

If you want to follow my blog, I may post special challenge-related announcements throughout the year; alternatively, just check back during December 2015. I have compiled a list of author suggestions for Q, X, and Z, which you can find here. I’ll be participating in the challenge too, and in case you’re interested, here’s my list. If you have any other questions, please feel free to drop me a comment.

And that’s it, really! Happy reading, and all the best with the challenge!

Update (2 June 2015): Since X has been causing a bit of strife, any author with X in their last name (not necessarily as the first letter) qualifies for the challenge. Hope that’ll make things a little more manageable!

Finished the challenge? Submit your completion post here!