
Welcome to the completion post for the 2015 Authors A to Z Reading Challenge! If you’ve finished the challenge, please use the following form to link your wrap-up post or list, which also acts as your entry submission for the booktastic prize: any book of your choosing for up to £10 from The Book Depository (or, if you don’t have a book in mind, I could recommend one of my favourites).

2015-authors-bannerEntries are accepted until 3 January 2016 in case you need a bit of extra time to get your post together, but you must have read all your books by 31 December 2015. I’ll use a randomiser to pick a winner, and notify you sometime in the first week of January. If you have any questions or comments, do please drop me a line below.

If you’ve manage to complete the challenge this year, then many, many congratulations for your alphabetastic feat! If you’re still working through the last few authors (which I’m doing), then all the best for the next few weeks! In either case, thank you for taking on the challenge—I hope you’ve had lots of fun, broadened your reading horizons, and discovered a gem or two!