Every now and then I decide I don’t want to do any more work, and instead fiddle around on the piano and holler a bit to go with it. Here are the results of my ‘productive’ procrastination.
Disclaimer: I play with music purely for fun, so please keep that in mind and listen to these purely for fun, too.
How This Story Goes
A character fan song written for Kate Beckett (Castle). B minor.
Last Sacrifice (Snape’s Song)
A song written for Severus Snape (Harry Potter). C minor.
More coming soon.
All music, lyrics, piano, and vocals are composed and recorded by Samantha Lin. However, you may find the occasional ultra fake and emotionless midi-esque piano accompaniment (thanks to Sibelius), during the times when my piano was severely out-of-tune.
i love your music and cant wait to here more
Thank you! I’ve written a few more songs over the past few years, but haven’t had a microphone or a decent piano–hopefully I’ll get access to something in the near future! :)
The song is prefect and your voice is amazing. ty
I play a game lke second life. would love to have the song Last sacrafice deved into a picture of Severus snape. would you allow your song to be used in a commerical enviroment? if not I understand. either way the song and your voice are amazing
I play a game lke second life. would love to have the song Last sacrafice deved into a picture of Severus snape. would you allow your song to be used in a commerical enviroment? if not I understand. either way the song and your voice are perfect in My opinion